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Biab, or Builder in a Bottle, is a type of gel nail polish that is used to strengthen and protect natural nails. It is a clear or nude-colored gel that is applied to the nails and then cured under a UV lamp. BIAB can be used alone, or it can be used as a base coat for traditional gel polish.

Biabis a great option for people who have weak, brittle, or damaged nails. It can help to improve the strength and flexibility of the nails, making them less likely to break or chip. BIAB can also help to protect the nails from staining and discoloration.

Biab is a relatively easy-to-apply product. It can be applied at home or in a salon. The application process is as follows:

  • Prepare the nails by pushing back the cuticles and filing the nails into shape.
  • Apply a base coat to the nails.
  • Apply a thin layer of BIAB to the nails.
  • Cure the BIAB under a UV lamp for the amount of time specified by the manufacturer.
  • Repeat steps 3 and 4 as desired to build up the thickness of the BIAB.
  • Apply a top coat to the nails.

BIAB nails typically last for 2-3 weeks before they need to be redone. They can be removed at home or in a salon using acetone.
Here are some of the benefits of BIAB nail treatment:

  • Strengthens and protects natural nails.
  • Improves the appearance of nails
  • Makes nails less likely to break or chip
  • Helps to protect nails from staining and discoloration
  • Easy to apply and remove
  • Affordable

The science behind BIAB is relatively simple. The gel contains a polymer, which is a long chain of molecules that can bond together to form a strong, durable material. When the gel is cured under a UV lamp, the UV light causes the polymer molecules to cross-link, which means that they form bonds with each other. This cross-linking process makes the gel very strong and durable.